The headline on my LinkedIn profile reads: "inspiring wellness through ancestral health coaching, grounded in positive psychology."
Our group health coaching programs "incorporate ancestral health concepts and positive psychology basics that can improve your health: eat, move, sleep, play and more."
And our 1:1 health coaching sessions offer "an accountability partner in ancestral health and positive psychology, tailored to your needs."
Translation, please!
It's fantastic if you're already familiar with these concepts, but they're still new to a lot of people. This post describes the basics of both, along with why we've chosen them to be our anchor points for health coaching and growth mindset coaching.

Before we get into definitions, I'll start by dispelling a few myths.
Ancestral health isn't:
a meat-centric carnivore diet (veggies should load the plate)
a low-carb elimination diet (it depends / it could be / it doesn't have to be)
Positive psychology isn't:
forcing yourself to be happy
toxic positivity that overshadows reality
All About Ancestral Health
We're trained Primal Health Coaches, which means we're skilled in understanding the whats and whys behind:
Epigenetics: reprogramming your genes (yep, it's possible)
Evolutionary clues to optimal gene expression
How the body prefers burning fat over carbs for energy
Grains aren't necessary for optimal nutrition, and fat isn't the enemy
Fitness is all about frequent, low-intensity movement
Sleep, sunlight and playtime are just as important for adults
Much of this work is thanks to paleo diet pioneers like Dr. Loren Cordain, Mark Sisson, Chris Kresser and many others. The research is compelling and our anecdotal evidence (personally and from clients) is undeniable.
All that being said, when it comes to optimal physical health, our ancestral health coaching programs group things into three categories.
What you eat
Whole (unprocessed), nutrient-dense foods (and no, most grains aren't nutrient-dense, processed or not, some even contain anti-nutrient properties)
Avoiding refined sugars, inflammatory oils, additives and ingredients
Veggies, meat, fish, eggs, nuts/seeds, herbs/spices, healthy fats
Fasting (only if/when appropriate)
When you sleep
Respecting your circadian rhythm and other natural cues to rest
Connecting with nature (even if it's looking out the window)
Cultivating an ideal sleep environment
Creating a strong morning routine
How you move
Prioritize standing and moving over sitting and stillness
Functional body weight movements (no gym required)
Sprinting on occasion (once every 7-10 days)
Challenge your brain for mental flexibility
Fun fact: in 2013, the most searched-for diet was paleo. 10+ years later, it's not exactly a new style of eating (not to mention tens of thousands of years prior to civilization). The benefits of a paleo-style, ancestral diet include:
Natural reduction in calorie intake (by eating whole foods), which can result in weight loss
High protein content can help increase satiety and preserve lean muscle mass
Reduce inflammation and chronic disease
Improve blood sugar control and insulin sensitivity
Regulate blood sugar levels (by avoiding sugars and refined carbs)
Improved digestion and gut health
Sustained energy levels throughout the day
All About Positive Psychology
A relatively new field of study, positive psychology was founded in 1998 by Martin Seligman and is often called the science of happiness. Traditional research and therapy focuses on what's wrong, what needs to be fixed and what happened in the past. Positive psychology leverages what's working and what's meaningful to drive change and improve future outcomes.
We focus on three areas to inspire lasting change as it relates to your health:
Your mindset
Level-set and banish your limiting beliefs
Drive change with a growth mindset
Visualize your best case scenario
Identify your cycle of thoughts
Your strengths
Determine your signature character strengths
Take stock of and start using your strengths
Develop your mindfulness
Your values
Align with what makes you happy
Get clear on what matters to you
If the phrases above sound familiar, they're also section titles in our Discovery Workbook series, which you can download from our website or get the paperback versions from Amazon.
We believe lasting change comes from within. Positive psychology offers hundreds of research-backed, proven tactics to inspire you. To name a few:
be healthier
live a longer life
make more money
be more motivated
have lower stress levels
have better relationships
have more perseverance
protect against depression
And there you have it: your crash course on ancestral health and positive psychology. If you're here for it, book a free consult with us below. We're ready to empower you to improve your health and well-being, on your terms.