Align △+▽ Clear
connected coaching for mind + body + spirit
From survive to thrive: revamp your lifestyle to get confident and get happy
Cultivating a healthy mindset strengthens your outlook, productivity and success. At Align+Clear Coaching, we empower smart, optimistic and busy people to combat negative thought patterns and unhealthy habits to create positive change. Our proven frameworks include tracks for mind, body and spirit, with program options lasting 3 days, 3 weeks or 3 months.
Where do you want to start?
Growth Mindset Coaching
I want to align my values and strengths to build confidence, improve resilience and drive inspiration. I'm ready to tackle what's holding me back and leverage my best qualities.
Ancestral Health Coaching
I want to follow a proven program for lifelong health, stay in touch with a coach, learn productive ways to manage challenges and invite change. I’m ready to feel empowered, educated and inspired.
Psychedelic Integration Coaching
I want to see the connection between psychedelics and brain health, optimize my investment in psychedelic therapy and improve neurogenesis. I’m ready to fuel my healing process.
Are we aligned with how you feel?
You're smart, but you feel confused about how to feel better.
You're optimistic, but frustrated because nothing seems to work.
You're tired of working through the same cycle of negativity.
You're upbeat, but easily discouraged and want to feel resilient.
You're health-conscious but you don't have energy for another diet.
You're career-minded and the work/life balance can feel tough.
You're busy, but you're committed to making healthy changes.
You're in a place where you can finally put yourself first. It's time.
What does mind + body + spirit mean to you?
Our connected coaching programs are built with consideration for the whole self, focused on areas proven to improve happiness.
I feel confident,
resilient and
inspired in my
I feel nourished,
rested and
energetic in my
I feel connected,
aligned and
clear in my
I'm not sure which option is right for me.
That's totally understandable. We're happy to talk you through the options, answer any questions you have and help you make the best choice. You can book an intro call below. It's free - and we love talking with new people.
- no risk, all reward
Growth Mindset: 3-Day FREE
0$△ 1:1 CHAT COACHING △Valid for 7 days
Start Here FREE: 3 Days to Build Up Your Growth Mindset
3 days of micro-lessons and habit-building activities in our app
Build confidence, improve resilience, drive inspiration
- Rank your key strengths
- Identify your limiting beliefs
- Unwind your emotional triggers
- Better understand optimism and pessimism
- Learn the characteristics of growth and fixed mindset
- Pinpoint small motivators and the meaning behind them
Unlimited messaging with your coach
20% OFF 1:1 video coaching sessions
No credit card - it's just free!
After three days, if you like the format and want to continue, pick one of our 3-week tracks or jump into a 3-month deep dive that covers ancestral health coaching and cultivating a growth mindset.